By Caroline Seabolt
I love the idea of Fall Fest as a way for DC Reads tutors to strengthen our relationships with the children we help. As a morning tutor, I do not have an individual tutee but have 20 incredibly cute kindergarteners at Kenilworth Elementary to call my own, so for me Fall Fest was more of a helping and observing experience. The atmosphere was fun and celebratory of the fall and Halloween season. Kids dressed in full costume looks so genuinely happy with their tutors as they went to games, collected candy, and stopped at my booth. I ran the table where kids would stick their hands in jars to determine which scary body part they were feeling, it was so fun to see their reactions!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Happy National Girls and Women in Sports Day! Today serves as a reminder of the accomplishments, contributions, and struggles of girls a...
Two recent studies presented Friday at the annual conference for the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport in New Orleans cha...
The state of youth basketball appears grim. “It’s worse than it’s ever been. It gets worse every year,” Sports Illustrated senior repo...